Coupa Software is a leading cloud platform for business spend; Unicorn that successfully IPO-d in 2016.  They wanted to stand out from the enterprise software pack with a national TV ad that would appeal to CFOs—and make them smile.

For Feel Good Video, leading San Francisco video production company, making business videos entertaining and engaging is very exciting. We teamed with Coupa and Liquid Agency to craft a story involving 3 CFOs facing total chaos at home — battling kids, coffee makers, constant overspending — and contrasted it with the relaxing peace and order they have at “work sweet work.” The ad aired nationwide on CNBC—and you can watch the director’s cut here.

As a leading San Francisco Bay Area ad agency, we managed all aspects of production, including motion graphics, editing, music, voiceover, sound design and color correction.

Take a look and let us know what you think over at our Facebook page!

Feel Good Video Production Company

Feel Good Video

Cappasity, the leading developer of 3D imaging for e-commerce, winner of LVMH Group program, reached out to Feel Good Video, leading Silicon Valley Video Production Company with a dream request: create a visionary video imaging how #VR and #AR technologies will transform shopping in the future. We teamed up with 30 visual effects experts across eight countries (including a #VFX group that just won an Oscar for Blade Runner 2049) to create a sumptuous and visually dynamic view of e-commerce in 2089. Check it out here.

As a leading San Francisco Bay Area ad agency, we managed all aspects of production, including 3D graphics, motion graphics, editing, music, voiceover, sound design and color correction.

Take a look and let us know what you think over at our Facebook page!








Can you make a massage chair commercial into an emotional story?

This was the challenge given to Feel Good Video, leading San Francisco Video Production, by Ogawa, which provides some of the most luxurious massage chairs on the market. Naturally, they wanted FGV to showcase the amazing features of their chairs. From zero-gravity reclining to seven default massage programs to a “body scan” that customized the massage. But they also sought a compelling story that would connect with “max relax” customers and drive sales of their market-leading health and wellness products.

As a leading San Francisco Bay Area ad agency, we mapped out eight separate commercials. They tugged the heartstrings and tapped the funny bone while featuring wellness benefits. We scripted a ridiculous Mr. and Mrs. Smith-style battle over who got to use the massage chair first. Crafted a story of a Woman Who Does Everything Wrong (and needs a respite at the end of the day). Breathed life into a narrative about a lonely dad who needs a break. 

With the ideas refined, we hit the really hard part. Recording eight separate high-quality commercials involving 40+ people in just three days. With tight coordination and planning, our LA video production team jumped across gorgeous locations befitting an upscale product to capture the footage. (Note: massage chair breaks were key to keep our energy up!)

From there, we managed all aspects of postproduction, including motion graphics, 3D graphics, editing, music, voiceover, sound design and color correction.

Take a look and let us know what you think over at our Facebook page!

All five were the stars of a recent Feel Good Video production!

Client Ernest Packaging is facing a massive organizational challenge. With soaring demand for packaging with the global surge in ecommerce, the company is experiencing unprecedented growth. They’re hiring hundreds of new employees a year—and need to find a way to attract top-tier talent in a frothy hiring market.

To solve this problem, Feel Good Video teamed up with Liquid Agency to create a series of videos to drive recruitment interest from savvy candidates—and stand out from the typical company. Working with Vince Vincent, Ernest’s VP of Talent, we filmed a series of mock interviews in which Vince was forced to turn down each applicant because they didn’t exactly fit the company culture.

For starters, the sheep didn’t stand up for himself.

The bulldozer was too pushy, natch.

The clown couldn’t get serious.

The porcupine was too prickly.

And the robot gave new meaning to the expression “all circuits are busy.”

This shoot was a thrilling day in which we learned sheep and porcupines must be stationed at opposite sides of a parking lot, and bulldozers can help with garage door repair in a pinch. The videos have earned thousands of views so far in limited release and we’ll update you when we hear more from Ernest on the hiring impact.

As a leading San Francisco Bay Area ad agency, we managed all aspects of production, including 3D graphics, motion graphics, editing, music, voiceover, sound design and color correction.

Contact FGV today for a creative video for your product or company!

Last week, we covered the top five questions we get when people inquire about creating a killer video. Today, we’re taking it a step farther with video tips on the top six questions organizations should ask when creating a video. It’s a best practice at Feel Good Video to ask these questions with every client—and they’re also terrific fodder to help organizations think through their narrative.

What’s the purpose of this video?
As much as we’d like to make videos just for fun all day, a video needs a point. Do you want people to learn about your organization/product and get involved? Buy something? Support a crowdfunding campaign? Use your product correctly? Laugh so hard they share on Facebook? A clear understanding of your video’s purpose saves time and ultimately makes a much sharper narrative.

Example: Clean Solar wanted a video that would drive phone calls and sales. We designed a video to get the phone ringing and helped them win several customers in the first week after we launched.

Who are you trying to reach?
Investors? Consumers? Kickstarter backers? Moms? Doctors? Engineers? Different audiences have different levels of interest in many video attributes, notably comedy, length of the video, heartfelt storylines and technical details. Even colors we pick for color correction matter depending on the audience we target. We develop the perfect story based on science, tests, research and data.

What videos do I love?
Show us your favorite videos—ideally the ones that weren’t just entertaining as all get out, but also got you so excited you actually did something they wanted you to do! A few good links help us create a storyline, tone, look and feel that’s right for your brand.

What are the key product benefits to emphasize?
There’s a lot to say about your organization or product. What are the top three reasons viewers should care? We focus on showcasing benefits rather than features. That’s because video is far more interesting when we see human beings overcoming obstacles and achieving a big payoff rather than sitting through a laundry list of technical details that may or may not make sense. The more precise list of feature you give us, the more compelling story a story we can bake for viewers to fall in love with your product.

Our video for Dynosense’s Adore scales does just this–underscoring ease of use of and the power of the product to instantly understand holistic wellness, all told through the lens of daily life.

What’s the perfect thing I want to happen once this video is published?
Give us one goal: a retweet by Elon Musk, quadrupling a Kickstarter campaign goal, reduced customer service time. We’ll aim all of our resources in creating and marketing the video to get you what you need.

Time to launch your new product? Kick off a crowdfunding campaign? Up-level your corporate video? That means you’ll need a video–and a video production team.

Which should be really fun! But can also be a little terrifying. There’s so much to think about, from vendor selection and budget to scheduling and storyline. And that doesn’t even begin to get into all the little parts of creating a video that you probably haven’t even started to think about—wrangling equipment, managing casting, scouting locations, keeping everybody fed, editing—that can make a seemingly simple video request a massive production.

That means you’ll probably have a lot of questions. Don’t worry, we have a lot of answers (though not ALL the answers!). From decades of combined experience working on video projects of all stripes, here the top five video questions we get from organizations ready to get started–also known as the Feel Good Video FAQ.

What’s your price range?
Budgets vary–a lot.

Yes, it’s an admittedly annoying answer that means you have to send us an email, but it’s the only fair response simply because there are too many variables we just don’t know—and which can make a big impact on pricing.

There are a few rules of thumb. The bigger the cast, the more it costs. The more locations, the more it costs. Complexity costs more, but you also get more of a discount with bigger projects as economies of scale kick in.

We don’t even give ballparks because they might be totally unrealistic for what you have in mind. That said, I can say that we strive to deliver awesome value to all of our clients—and they tell us we do too.

How much of the process do you handle?
We do as much or as little as you need—from storyboarding and scripting to casting and location scouting, style mood boards to editing and color correction. Most clients let us take as much as we can off their plate for true turnkey service. And we always include our clients in all major decisions, particularly scripting, casting and final cuts.

Where are you based?
We’re proud to work with companies around the world! We’re physically based in the heart of Silicon Valley in Palo Alto and we do most of our filming in Los Angeles. We also film in New York, Chicago and about 25 countries abroad. LA talent is typically less expensive—and really good. And California is famous of having stunning weather and the best locations opportunities for filming any time of the year. That said, we have an extensive network to get the job done just about anywhere. (Still looking for a client to challenge us on Antarctica!)

Do you have equipment?
We take care of all equipment for you to meet professional specifications and deliver cinematic quality. If you have specific questions about cameras and gear, drop us a line and we’ll sort that out.

I need a video yesterday. What’s your timeline?
We’re really fast. Like, once did a video soup-to-nuts in 12 hours fast. Sometimes we may get jammed up with shoots, but it’s rarely us holding up production. Try us!

Any more questions we missed? Just let me know. Thanks—and let’s go make a video!

We’re delighted to post our first-ever guest post on a topic we can’t get enough of–the role of emotion in creating connection with companies. Not only do emotions create brands–but fresh research shows that we turn to brands to express our emotion! Read on for new findings on this fascinating connection via Adam Gordon, Chief of Strategy at The Oya Group, a Bay Area-based strategic creative agency.

Did you know that couples use them to argue with each other? It’s true. According to a recently published study, couples use brands to communicate frustration and opposition. With over 20 years in marketing I thought I understood just how powerful a brand was, yet this was one of the most surprising things I have learned about them.

When you work with brands you learn just how pervasive and powerful they are, and this study showed me that it goes beyond even what I thought. It’s amazing when we thought we knew something really well, then some new aspect of it suddenly presents itself. It’s one of the funnest parts about working in marketing; you learn to expect the unexpected. Whether we, as marketers, like to admit it, very little in marketing is predictable, which means that you have to always stay open to the new.

I got an unexpectedly large surprise when I heard an interview on NPR by Shankar Vedantam (11/16/16) with Gavan Fitzsimons of Duke University. He and his colleague, Danielle Brick of the University of New Hampshire stumbled across a completely unexpected “use” of brands.

Couples use them to argue with each other.

What? Yes, it’s true.

“Well, the study finds that love can shape the course of brands, and brands can shape the course of love,” says Mr. Vendantam.

According to Professor Fitzsimons,
“When people are frustrated, they make dramatically more choices that are oppositional, that are against what their partner would want them to buy. So if my wife is a Diet Pepsi fan, and she has frustrated me in some way, I will choose Diet Coke. And in fact, we find that oftentimes, people in the frustrated conditions will actually choose brands they personally don’t like to spite their partners.”

If we ever doubt the emotional power of brands, this should set those doubts to rest. Whether in a B2C or B2B context, brands communicate at a deep emotional level and, for me, this study provided the ultimate proof of that.

And there’s more. Not only will people use brands to communicate or act out on their displeasure with their partner, they will also use them in a defiant manner–even if their spouse doesn’t know about it.

According to Mr. Vedantam, “So you’re frustrated with your partner. You know your partner likes Starbucks coffee. So on your way to work, you stop and buy coffee at Dunkin Donuts. No one other than you knows about this act of defiance. The researchers find a couple of things that are interesting here. The people who are likely to behave this way are often people who feel powerless in their relationship. So, you know, you feel you’re not being heard. You express your frustration through this kind of low-key oppositional behavior. The second thing that they find is that people often feel better after these acts of defiance. So it may be some kind of venting mechanism.”

Totally unexpected use of brands, no? As a marketer, of course, the question I have is, how we can use this? Perhaps we can’t. Perhaps we shouldn’t. Either way, I can’t think of a more powerful example of how ubiquitous and pervasive brands are today–they have truely become an integral part of our emotional landscape.

Indeed, the attachment to, and awareness of brands becomes part of our psychological makeup. Professor Brick puts it well when she says,

“Marketers assume consumers are making brand choices consciously and deliberatively, when often, factors outside consumers’ conscious awareness and control are impacting their decisions.”

Yes, brands–whether B2B or B2C–become part of our culture and psychology. Those of us who work with brands are playing with awesomely powerful tools. It’s good to be reminded of that.