Samsung asked Feel Good Video, leading SF video production company, to film a video for global star Ivan Dorn… using Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
- Launch Samsung Galaxy phone as a camera tool of the digital creative class.
Feel Good Video team headed to New York for a two-day shoot blitz, complete with professional dancers, a soccer team and pyro galore. The idea was to use Samsung phone as a camera, prop and character:
- Character: phone followed Ivan as he walked the streets of five boroughs.
- Prop: Ivan used the camera as a prop for a dynamic choreographed dance part of the video.
- Mixed Media Camera: video utilizes vertical and horizontal formats. And photos. Basically anything that comes from a phone.
Published on Samsung Mobile’s YouTube channel, the phone-made music video energetically underscores Samsung’s capabilities for creative thinkers and innovators.
As a leading San Francisco Bay Area ad agency, we managed all aspects of production, including motion graphics, editing, music, voiceover, sound design and color correction.
- Reached over 1M views on YouTube with Samsung music video shot entirely on Galaxy 8 phone.